Wednesday, August 28, 2013

God of This City

I had the wonderful opportunity to go to Arlington Texas this summer with my mom and sister. When the idea was first brought up we were not sure if we were going to be able to go but it worked out and we got to go. While we were there we didn't just serve in the mornings we also taught Rainbow Express (VBS) in the afternoons. We also had worship services that were held at Mission Arligton and ones that we conducted. We also had devotional time. It was a time in which we could serve God and grow closer to him at the same time. While we were in the worship services the people from Arlington would play the song GOD OF THIS CITY, because yes that I guess you could call their theme song, because he is the god of that city. Everything at Mission Arlington is GOD Ordained and only happens when it does because God allows it to. 

What many people don't think about is that GOD places us where he does for a reason. You don't need to go on a Mission Trip far away to serve GOD even though that is a good thing. SERVE GOD where you are, he is the GOD of this city and there are miraculous things that will be done here that we are unaware of! We need to make that our theme song for whatever city you live in! 

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Summmmmmeerrrrrrr FINALLY!!!

Well, i'm so glad that it is finally summer. Well actually my summmer started not last friday but the friday before last. I still cant believe that i am going to be a junior next year. So everyone reading this have a great and enjoyable summer.  :)

Sunday, May 13, 2012


I am so ready for summer. Even though that this school year has gone by so fast yet so slow im still ready for summer. I am sad that this senior class has to graduate and next year i will be even sadder. I have made some good friends in this senior class and are sad they are graduating but know that they are excited about college. I wish them the best and hope that we cross paths sometime again in the future.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Joyful Noise

My mom, dad, and i went to go see this movie on Sunday afternoon. It is a great movie but not an high quality movie and  there were a couple of scenes that REALLY made no sense and should NOT have been in the movie at all because they did not fall in with the story line. It was a hilarious movie. There was one scene that was sad and it did make sense in the story. If you are looking for a good movie to go see definately go see it.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Movie Review: Dear John

Well, I just got a chance to watch this movie last night. I loved the movie. This movie was and sweet at the same time. This is one of those movies that I will watch again. The only thing I liked but also did not like at the same time was the ending. Well, If I say anymore I will spoil the movie for you if you have not seen it. The actors and  actressses were good especially the two main characters. That is all i have to say for today.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

3 videos that really tell what Christmas is all about.

This is the third and last of the three blogs and videos. This video is my favorite of the  three and it describes Christmas in 50 words.

3 videos that tell what Christmas is really all about.

This is the second of three blogs and the second video of three.
This video "compares" JESUS and Santa. The narrator realizes that Jesus and Santa really do not have that much in common.